Sources of Financial Support

There are several potential sources of financial support for graduate students. Students are automatically considered for each source of support for which they are qualified. Students receiving support from these sources are eligible for tuition waivers.

  1. Neuroscience Fellowships are merit-based fellowships that provide a full stipend and cover tuition for up to two years. All students accepted to the doctoral program are considered for these fellowships. Two or three Neuroscience Fellowships are awarded to incoming students each year.
  2. Students interested in the study of chemical senses (olfaction and taste) are eligible for support on the NIH-funded Chemosensory Training Program which provides a full stipend and covers tuition, student fees, and student health insurance. Applications for this training program are considered annually.
  3. More advanced students (in years 2 – 4) interested in dysregulated behaviors are eligible for support on the NIH-funded "Interdisciplinary Clinical Neuroscience Training for Translational Research Program," which enables students to complete a cross-area research project supervised by a faculty member in clinical psychology. This training program provides a full stipend and covers tuition, student fees, and health insurance. Applications for this training program are considered annually.
  4. FSU University Fellowships are available for outstanding students on a competitive basis. For a list of FSU University Fellowship opportunities see: Graduate Studies Funding & Awards guide.
  5. Departmental Teaching Assistantships provide a stipend and cover tuition in return for teaching lecture or lab-based courses.
  6. Research Assistantships are available from funds provided by the grants of individual faculty members. These assistantships provide a stipend in return for work on a research project of a particular faculty member.

Financial Aid for students from under-represented groups

The Program in Neuroscience strongly encourages applications from qualified candidates who are members of under-represented groups. Several funding sources and special programs at FSU are available to provide financial assistance. Current information on financial aid for all students, regardless of race and ethnicity, is available from the Office of the Dean of Graduate Studies and the Office of Financial Aid.

  • Office of the Dean of Graduate Studies
  • 408 Westcott Building
  • Florida State University
  • Tallahassee, FL 32306-1410
  • (850)644/3500


  • Office of Financial Aid
  • Room 4473, University Center
  • Florida State University
  • Tallahassee, FL 32306-2430
  • (850)644/5716