The Program in Neuroscience at Florida State University is an interdisciplinary program offering both doctoral and Bachelor of Science degrees in neuroscience. The program is comprised of 45+ graduate students working with more than 35 core faculty from four departments at FSU, and 725+ undergraduate students majoring in behavioral neuroscience or cell and molecular neuroscience. The program's objective is to promote interdisciplinary basic research into neural processes, including the biological mechanisms underlying behavior, sensation, motivation and neurological disorders, and to provide advanced undergraduate and graduate training in neuroscience.
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Research Areas
The program is highly collaborative with several broad areas of research excellence. Many faculty members participate in more than one research area, providing opportunities for students to customize their research experiences — training across multiple research areas, or focusing on one area of specific interest.
Chemical Senses, Ingestive Behavior and Obesity
Research in this area explores the brain mechanisms that mediate our interactions with the chemical and nutritive environment, particularly those interactions that lead to obesity and other metabolic disorders. Student research in this area is supported by a Chemical Senses Training Grant from the National Institutes of Health.
Human Neuroscience and Animal Models of Cognition
Research in this area involves the use of fMRI, TMS, and EEG to explore affective and cognitive processes in the human brain. This work is complemented by investigation in animal models to address the cellular and synaptic basis of human cognitive processes.
Molecular Genetics, Proteomics and Membrane Biophysics
Brain function can be understood in terms of the unique cellular properties of neurons. Research in this area utilizes cutting-edge electrophysiological, viral, optogenetic, and pharmacological techniques to explore neural function at a molecular level of analysis.
Neurobiology of Brain Injury and Disease
Brain diseases, along with traumatic brain injuries and stroke, are a social and economic burden on society. Research in this area utilizes animal models to understand and treat the molecular and circuit pathologies that underlie neurological and psychiatric disease, as well as the mechanisms of recovery from CNS trauma.
Neuroendocrinology, Social Behavior, Stress and Drug Addiction
Research in this area explores the underlying mechanisms of neuroendocrine communication in order to understand the profound influence of hormones on behavior, sex differences in social behavior and mood, the effects of stress on brain and behavior, and the susceptibility of the brain to drugs of abuse.
Affiliated Departments and Programs
- Biological Science
- Psychology
- Biomedical Sciences
- Mathematics
- National High Magnetic Field Laboratory